Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can you believe it?!?!

I'm finally posting! Here's what pushed me to it- Caroline did what was quite possible the cutest thing she's ever done.
A little background- we have been singing the song "Sweet Caroline" to Caroline since she was in my womb. She started saying "bum bum bum" when she was one or younger, but tonight she really surprised us! Check it out....

Just for reference, here's the original- the chorus starts around 50 seconds.

Okay, maybe I'll go back and retro-post some pictures.


Kimberly said...

Absolutely adorable!! I'm so glad you finally updated! Now you need to keep it up! :)

4get2remember said...

Just collapsed. Cannot work anymore due to the cuteness.

carrie said...

Hey Katie! Its me Carrie..I just checked out your blog and Caroline is a total doll..That just reminds me of when Jerrod and I used to grab the video recorder for every thing Bethany did (we've slacked a bit now that she's 5)..but you guys are loving terrific parents..Thanks for sharing!

John and Jennifer said...

Sooooo sweet. I cannot wait to see her and hear that LIVE! We are so excited to be there in just 2 weeks.

Sew Happy Momma said...

OMG!! I started playing this on my laptop in the kitchen and Jamey heard it in the living room and made me stop, rewind and replay for him, i think he just died a little she was soooo cute. Maybe one day you 3 will sing a trio together! Just saying! Tooo sweet!

4get2remember said...

All I'm sayin' is it's been over a year since your last post. That's all I'm sayin'.