I wash Caroline's diapers every three days. Today it's so pretty outside and I really wanted to hang them out to dry. But I haven't asked Michael to put up our handy-dandy retractable outdoor line, so I was kind of in a rut. So I got creative!
I found two yards of white fabric that I haven't used and ripped it into two long strips, then just tied that on our back porch. It was perfect! Come on- you know that is so pretty and quaint!
ahhh, what a nice view....
Just as I hoped, they dryed in record time and are soft and smell good to boot. I can't wait to get Michael to put up the real line...or maybe I'll just stick with this!
A nice tiny video of the diapers drying.... don't the birds sound great?
Cuteness...line drying is the best thing for any clothes, but I'd imagine even more so for little diapers.
I'm proud I have such an eco-friendly hippie sister!!!
p.s. this is the fourth time I've tried to post this comment...I can't match up the word verification letters...grrr
okay, okay, I'm working on the word-veri....
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