Today I went to a very informative meeting. It was through LLL and the topic was Elimination Communication, AKA infant potty teaching. Notice I didn't say "potty training" since this is a very different idea, method, and practice (see links at end of post for more info). EC usually starts soon after birth, so Caroline and I had missed that window, but I learned that I could start Early Potty Learning with her now. So as soon as we got home I held her on the toilet to try and let her use the restroom. She just kind of looked at me funny, which I expected.
Then about a minute later she started her tell-tell grunting so I scooped her up and tried again and TA-DA! She had a BM in the toilet!
So the next step is for me to watch her cues and help get her on the toilet when I think she's about to wet or have a BM. This is just an extension of what I've done since she was born: she cried, I comforted her; she rooted around, I nursed her; she grunts or squirms, I put her on the toilet.
On to what everyone loves- pictures! This meeting was at Angela's house- she is a co-leader of the LLL of Henry Co. that I'm a part of.
Caroline had so much fun with all the babies.
I had to take a picture of this bread- read the label! (click to make it bigger)
And a little movie of all the craziness. The baby at the very end is a sweet 10-month old who was wearing real underwear!
Here are some resources with lots of information if you're interested in PL or EC.
Diaper Free – The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene, Ingrid Bauer
The Diaper Free Baby, Christine Gross-Loh
Infant Potty Training, Laurie Bouke
November/December 2006 New Beginnings (p. 266-267)
Wow! You're such an awesome mom...most people would never take the time or energy you put into your little one.
Congrats on her first booboo!!
Aww thanks Hedda. We're still working on the getting the pee's in the potty!
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