Monday, May 19, 2008

Caroline's love for books...and hate for hats

Caroline loves books. We have them all over the house, in every room. I have several in the car and her diaper bag, too. I try to get small books so she can hold and play with them herself. She flips the pages and talks about what's on them.

Here she is this morning in her jammies.

And this afternoon holding the noise-making book that Grammy got her.

Hats, however, are another story. She saw Michael's hat and said "hat?" so I put it on her.

She was okay with that, but then when I did it again (and again), she got a little mad.


4get2remember said...

I seriously come this close <--> to crying every time I see a picture of her. Rocking and singing her to sleep last night went down as one of my top ten all-time best experiences EVER.

Sew Happy Momma said...

Jamey said that he would cry and get mad too if someone tried to put that "Catholic" hat on his head. But i think that the pics are so cute, i love the one of her sitting down and reading, sooo grown up.